Room for plenty more paws.

We are accepting new clients.

Kidderminster Vets4Pets

409 B Stourport Rd
DY11 7BG
01562 829112

Open Today 08:30 - 19:00

Opening Hours

  • Monday  - 
  • Tuesday  - 
  • Wednesday  - 
  • Thursday  - 
  • Friday  - 
  • Saturday  - 
  • Sunday Closed

Parking and access information

* Pick up point parking at the front of the practice

* Free parking at the rear of the practice

Repeat Prescription Request

Request your prescriptions via our online form.

Meet the team

Edward Pring

Edd Pring

Practice Owner & Veterinary Surgeon

BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS GPCert(SAS)

Read Edd Pring bio

I qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 2002 and have always worked in small animal practice. I am interested in all aspects of first opinion veterinary practice and in particular I like soft tissue surgery and have achieved the General Practitioner Certificate in Small Animal Surgery. This is a post-graduate qualification based on 2 years further training from surgical specialists, course work and examinations meaning that I can now perform more advanced soft tissue and orthopaedic procedures. I also have an interest in dermatology (skin conditions). Most of my time is currently spent either at the practice or in “family time” with my two young sons. When I do get a spare minute I enjoy adventure sports.
Olivia Pring

Olivia Pring

Practice Owner & Veterinary Surgeon

MRCVS BvetMed (Hons)

Read Olivia Pring bio

My name is Olivia Pring and I qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 2002. I spent my first few years working in mixed practice up in Shropshire but then decided to concentrate my abilities solely on small animal work. I have an interest in acupuncture and ultrasonography and love the unpredictable nature of the job - you really never know what each day will bring! With two small boys and a Border terrier, home life is busy and I spend most of my time out of work running round after these guys and my husband Edd.

Sally Prior


Read Sally Prior bio

Hi I’m Sally after a couple of very different careers I had a complete change of direction in 2015 and have worked in the veterinary industry ever since, starting as an animal nursing assistant to qualifying as a RVN from Pershore College in January 2021.  I have always had all sorts of animals from a very young age as we had a smallholding with everything from chickens, ducks and goats, and all sorts of domestic pets along the way as well. I have also been a human nurse so took the opportunity to combine the two.

Currently I have 2 cockapoos, 2 cats and 7 rescue chickens. Outside of work I cycle, play baritone saxophone and bass clarinet and enjoy taking my dogs to fun dog shows. 

I enjoy all aspects of nursing and really enjoy learning new skills to enable my patients have the best experience whilst with us.


Morgan Preedy

Student Nurse

Read Morgan Preedy bio

Morgan joined us in 2022 as an ANA (Animal Nurse Assistant) and fit straight in with the team, she has progressed so well that she is starting her Nurse training in September 2023. Good luck Morgan we're all behind you. 


Megan Falmer



Sophie Ashbourne

Head Nurse


Verity Thornley

Verity Thornley

Practice Manager

Read Verity Thornley bio

caroline watson kidderminster

Caroline Watson


Read Caroline Watson bio

I've worked here as a Receptionist at Vets4Pets Kidderminster since early 2019 and thoroughly enjoy it, you never know what each day will bring! I have always had pets, currently I have a cat and an excitable cockapoo, who keeps us entertained! I enjoy going to the theatre, dog walking, holidaying in the sun and socialising up with family and friends.


Gemma Tyrer


Read Gemma Tyrer bio


Sophie Minogue


Read Sophie Minogue bio


Mollie Case


Read Mollie Case bio

Mollie joined the team in August 2024. 


Jane Sidaway


Read Jane Sidaway bio

Jane joined us in September 2024 as part of our lovely reception team. She will be there to welcome you and your pets with her lovely smile. 

Vets4Pets Kidderminster is committed to bringing you affordable, high quality care via a modern, well equipped practice, including a lab, pharmacy, digital x-ray and ultrasound. Plus, on site car parking too!

The friendly team is always here to help with any queries and look after all your pets needs as if they were their own. 



  • Acupuncture
    Acupuncture has evolved from the ancient art of placing needles into particular locations on the body in order to alleviate pain, improve recovery rates and increase resistance to disease. It has been practised by the Chinese and other Eastern cultures for thousands of years and may be used to treat a wide variety of illnesses in people and animals.
  • Airway Surgery
    Airway Surgery
  • Anaesthesia
    General anaesthetic enables us to perform many procedures kindly and safely for your pet.
  • Blood Pressure Monitor
    Used to measure the range of blood pressure as a preventative treatment to identify early signs of systemic hypertension.

Show more services

  • Chemotherapy & Cancer Treatment
    Dogs and cats that receive chemotherapy feel normal the day they are given the drug.
  • Cruciate Surgery
    Surgery to repair damaged stifle ligaments.
  • Dentistry
    The treatment and prevention of dental disease
  • Ear Surgery
    Ear Surgery service is available to keep your pet free from any infections.
  • Fracture Repair
    Orthopaedic surgery to correct broken bones.
  • Haematology – Blood testing
    Allows the assessment of a patient's blood and blood cells.
  • Health Plans
    Designed to cover all the regular pet care essentials such as vaccinations and flea and worm prevention, whilst saving you money.
  • Hospital Ward
    Suite of custom-built kennels for the housing and monitoring of in-patients.
  • In-house Laboratory
    A range of analytical tests and equipment to assist in the rapid diagnosis of illness.
  • Isolation Unit
    A special ward to care for animals with contagious diseases.
  • Locally Owned
    This practice is locally owned.
  • Medication
  • Microchipping
    A microchip can help retrieve lost pets
  • Nurse Clinic
    Appointments with a highly qualified nurse which can cover anything from nutrition and fitness advice, grooming techniques, to pet socialisation classes.
  • Nutritional Advice
    Advice and support for your pet's diet.
  • Late Opening Times
    Late Opening Times
  • Operating Theatre
    An operating theatre with gaseous anaesthetic facility for surgical procedures.
  • Orthopaedics
    Surgery of joints and bones.
  • Prescriptions
    We can provide written prescriptions upon request.
  • Separated Dog & Cat Wards and Isolation Units
    Separate cat and dog hospital wards, designed to ensure your pet is kept in a comfortably stress free environment.
  • Soft Tissue
    Surgical procedures involving the soft tissues such as ears and skin.
  • Weight Clinic
    Monitoring clinic to help dogs and cats achieve optimal weights – both if they have been under or overweight
  • X-Ray & Ultrasound
    X-Ray & Ultrasound

Practice accreditations

  • RCVS accreditation EDITED
  • ISFM



Puppy and Kitten Pack

Everything they need from a veterinary perspective to get them started to being a happy and healthy pet
puppy sit

Health Plans

Health Plan

Complete Care

From £9.99* per month
Save over £300† on routine healthcare
2022_Vets4Pets_07_CAT_HANDOVER_589_Graded (1)

Health Plan

Complete Care Junior

From £15.99* per month
Expert veterinary care, plus lots of support and tailored advice for your puppy or kitten, in an affordable and convenient way.

Health Plan

Complete Care Plus

From £19.99* per month
Our most comprehensive plan for dogs and cats

Out of hours

Vets Now Birmingham
Blaise Hospital
1601 Bristol Road
South Longbridge
B45 9UA

Telephone: 0121 238 2001

Standard consultation fees start from £313.50