Grooming Pets
Our furry best friends deserve to look their best, and spending time grooming them can be a wonderful bonding experience for owners. Grooming your pet does more than just help them to look good. Did you know, it can bring about lots of other advantages? Check out our guides below for the benefits of grooming your pet and find out how it can help to keep them happy and healthy.
Grooming Rabbits
Regular brushing keeps your bunny’s coat in great condition, preventing the formation of matts which can lead to infections or the deadly disease flystrike.
How to cut a dogs nails
Keep your dog healthy and happy with regular nail trims, learn how to cut and trim dog nails from the experts at Vets4Pets
Grooming Cats
Some people think that cats don’t need grooming or that they won’t enjoy it. Actually cats need regular grooming and some actually enjoy it! Read more.
Grooming Dogs
Our dogs deserve to look their best and spending time grooming them can be a wonderful bonding experience for owners. Click here to find out more.
Cat shedding
It's natural for cats to shed but you can keep shedding at bay with regular brushing and a grooming routine. Read our shedding guide to find out more.
How preventative health care can save you money
The simplest way pet owners can give their pets a chance of a long, illness-free life is by keeping them as healthy as possible, and it will save money as well!
The Groom Room