Parasite Protection
All our practices provide the most suitable, prescription-strength parasite protection for your pet. Our vets and nurses can discuss the parasite challenges that your pet may come up against, and suggest the best protection routine for them. Tablets, spot-ons and collars are all available to help make protecting your pet as easy as possible!
Fleas And Your Small Pet
Fleas aren’t fussy, and will take a bite from most warm-blooded animals such as small furries who usually pick them up from other pets in the home.
Cryptosporidia And Your Ferret
Cryptosporidia are a type of protozoa – a microscopic, single-celled parasite – which live in the intestines and can cause profuse, watery diarrhoea.
Fleas and Your Ferret
Find out what to do if your ferret gets fleas. Learn about the signs, symptoms & treatment of fleas to help keep your ferret happy & flea free.
Giardia And Your Ferret
Giardia are a type of protozoa – a microscopic parasite – which lives in the small intestines. Read our expert advice to find out more.
Coccidiosis in ferrets
Coccidiosis is caused by a single-celled parasite called Eimeria. While some ferrets show no signs, they may still carry the parasite. Find out more here.
Heartworms And Your Ferret
Heartworms are not found in the UK, but are a risk for ferrets that travel abroad. Find out about symptoms and treatment of heartworms with our expert advice.
Ticks And Your Ferret
Find out if your pet ferret could potentially be at risk of catching ticks and how to check for them with this useful pet health advice from Vets4Pets.
Why isn't my flea treatment working?
It can be frustrating, disappointing and expensive if you've bought flea products, only to find later that your pet still has fleas. Find out more.
Mites And Your Ferret
Mites live on the skin of your ferret, can make them itchy, uncomfortable, keeping your ferret mite-free will keep them feeling great!