Why do people get or relinquish pets?

As a nation, we just love pets! In 2019, an estimated 12 million UK households included at least one pet – that’s a whopping 40% of households!1

Why do people get pets?

People get pets for many reasons, whether they are looking for a great companion or somebody to love and take care of. Whatever your reason, pets certainly make life complete. But do you know what makes us choose the pets we do?

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What attracts us to particular pets and breeds?

Sometimes, you just know life wouldn’t be complete without a certain kind of pet in it. Read on to find out what attracts people to different types and breeds of pets.

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Where can you find the right pet for you?

Pets can make wonderful companions, but how do you decide which one is right for you? There are lots of factors you need to take into account before you make this life-changing decision. Read on to find out more to ensure you set off on the right foot when it comes to pet ownership.

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Pets through the years

Did you know that in Victorian times, monkeys were kept as pets by the wealthy, while the working-class kept hedgehogs and blackbirds? In more recent times, films and TV shows have heavily impacted breed popularity. For example ‘The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin’ led to a 10,000% increase in the purchase of German Shepherds in just seven years!

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When things don’t work out

Even with the best of preparations, life can sometimes throw unexpected events at us, which can turn pet ownership into more of a challenge than it might have been.

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Is relinquishment the only option?

If things aren’t working out with your pet, it’s a tough decision to take, but rehoming can often be for the best.

Let’s look at the options for rehoming, find out what to expect if you decide to follow this pathway and explore alternative courses of action…

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Where not to look for your next pet

We know getting a new pet can be exciting and you want to get your new family member as quickly as possible, however it is crucial that you get your pet from the right place. It’s important to do your research so you can make sure the seller is the real deal. Read on for tips on how to spot sellers of pets who are not genuine.

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