This information is for veterinary surgeons wishing to refer a patient to one of our practices.
Blood work and relevant clinical history are required within the last month for all patients undergoing sedation or GA, please also send results with this booking form.
For all referrals please complete the booking form with your client’s details.
Once you send us your referral, kindly call the referral practice and ask to speak to the Vet in Charge to discuss and verbally handover.
The patient and client will need to visit the Vets4Pets referral practice.
You will receive a full report and treatment plan. This report is usually sent as an email, but can be sent via fax and/or by post.
Results/diagnosis will be sent to you within 24-48 hours via email
For urgent cases or emergencies please call the practice you with to refer to directly.
Once we have received the referral request information, we will contact the owner directly to book an appointment.
The patient and client will need to visit the Vets4Pets practice you are referring to.
Referral services available
We offer referrals in the following areas. Complete the following form, select a practice, and we will contact you. If your request is urgent, please get in touch with the appropriate practice directly. Please be aware that not all locations provide these services.
Behavioural counselling
CT Scan
Soft Tissue Surgery
Keyhole surgery
Laser therapy
Stem Cell Therapy
Emergency Care
Total Hip Replacements
Terms and conditions
This is a referral service only. Patients will remain under the care of the referring veterinary surgeon.
Request for an appointment to be made online using the referral booking form or by calling the practice.
Relevant history must be submitted
Referring veterinary surgeon must inform client of the exact nature of procedure offered
The service will be carried out as per exact instructions on request form and Vets4Pets will accept no responsibility for investigation and reporting on concurrent disease, conditions or treatment, unless specifically requested by referring veterinary surgeon
Should our examination reveal an unexpected finding, we will contact you immediately to discuss the best course of action
In cases where the patient requires general anaesthetic or sedation, we require you to have performed relevant blood tests within the month before the procedure and inform our clinicians about the patients general health, specifically relating to anaesthetic risks
Vets4Pets will not accept any referred client as a new client to any of our first opinion veterinary surgeries for six months