Room for plenty more paws.
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Daventry Vets4Pets
Inside Pets at HomeUnit 6 Abbey Retail Park
South Way
NN11 4GL 01327 368 450
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Open Today 09:00 - 19:00
Opening Hours
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Meet the team

I qualified as a veterinary surgeon from Bristol Veterinary School in 2011. Since qualifying I have been in both mixed and small animal practice and have even spent some time working in the depths of the Amazon Jungle at a rescue centre for monkeys and other Amazonian species. While I have an interest in exotics, I also love the variety of first opinion practice, and enjoy being able to both consult and perform surgeries. At home I have a menagerie of animals that keep me busy in my spare time, including my pack of shetland sheepdogs who you may see running round the practice.

Originally from Somerset, I qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 2012. After moving to Rugby I worked in farm animal practice for three years, before realising it's much warmer and dryer working with small animals inside! I have a keen interest in surgery and am currently undertaking a certificate in small animal surgery, which will allow us to offer more advanced procedures to our patients. I have two black labradors called May and Maggie, who many clients will have met in the practice. Outside of work I regularly travel back to Somerset to visit family and friends, taking part and judging the Somerset Guy Fawkes Carnivals.

I qualified as a veterinary surgeon at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and have traveled around the world pursuing veterinary interests in small animals, wildlife, exotics and equines. I have had a lifelong love for all things furry and scaly and I am thrilled to continue sharing this passion at Daventry Vets4Pets. I enjoy a challenge and am particularly interested in small animal cardiology, diagnostic imaging and exotics. When not at the clinic, I spend my time doing one of my many hobbies, from martial arts to music. You may also find me exploring a forest or hiking on any given day.

I qualified as a Registered Veterinary Nurse from the College of Animal Welfare in 2005 after working in both mixed (large and small animal) and small animal practices since I finished my Animal Welfare Diplomas at Moulton College. I have an interest in medical and surgical nursing and enjoy running nurse clinics on a number of topics to ensure we are offering the best possible care for your pets. When I am not in uniform, I like to spend time with my little family at our favourite place outside of Daventry – Swanage. I love catching up with friends and family when I can, and love eating out with them. We have a shetland sheepdog called Suzi & a speedy little Tortoise called Linford.

I have worked with animals since I was 15 years old and shown an interest and passion in animals from a much younger age, so it was natural progression for me to qualify a Registered Veterinary Nurse in July 2022 at Moreton Morrell college. I enjoy all aspects in nursing, however my particular interests include anaesthesia, Nurse Clinics, laboratory and inpatient nursing care. I find working with animals incredibly rewarding and interesting, with no two days the same. Outside of work I will usually be exploring new walks with my Chihuahua Tucker and visiting friends & family.

I have wanted to work in the veterinary field since I was 10 years old and have now nearly finished my Veterinary Nursing degree at Moreton Morrell college. My favourite part of working as a veterinary nurse is running nurse clinics because I enjoy engaging with clients and their pets. I have a cat and a horse that keep me busy outside of work and also enjoy taking part in conservation programs - I have worked alongside rhinos and buffalo in South Africa, and am looking forward to working with a variety of animals in Costa Rica including turtles and sloths!

I spent most of my childhood in and around a dairy farm and country fairs so always dreamed to have a job somewhere in the animal industry. When I’m not at work my life is devoted to my three beautiful children, making every spare moment we can into a new adventure. My favourite part of working at the vets is getting to have lots of snuggles with a variety of adorable animals.

I started working at Daventry Vets4Pets in 2021, and am fairly new to the veterinary industry, having been in my previous job for 18 years. I have really enjoyed the change in environment and meeting all the clients and their pets. One of the highlights is all the cuddles I get with our patients! I enjoy spending time at home with my husband in my spare time, as well as seeing family and friends.

Vets4Pets Daventry is committed to bringing you affordable, high quality care via a modern, well equipped practice, including an operating theatre, lab, pharmacy, digital x-ray and ultrasound. Plus, on site car parking too!
The friendly team can't wait to meet all of their new clients!
Emergency coverEven if we are closed, we have your pet covered.
Open 7 Days a WeekWe are open 7 days a week.
AnaesthesiaGeneral anaesthetic enables us to perform many procedures kindly and safely for your pet.
BiochemistryAllows an assessment of the functionality of a patients organs.
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Blood Pressure MonitorUsed to measure the range of blood pressure as a preventative treatment to identify early signs of systemic hypertension.
DentistryThe treatment and prevention of dental disease
Digital X-RayDigital X ray equipment is available.
Exotic PetCan see a range of patients, from small animals through to reptiles.
Haematology – Blood testingAllows the assessment of a patient's blood and blood cells.
Health PlansDesigned to cover all the regular pet care essentials such as vaccinations and flea and worm prevention, whilst saving you money.
Hospital WardSuite of custom-built kennels for the housing and monitoring of in-patients.
In-house LaboratoryA range of analytical tests and equipment to assist in the rapid diagnosis of illness.
Isolation UnitA special ward to care for animals with contagious diseases.
Locally OwnedThis practice is locally owned.
MicrochippingA microchip can help retrieve lost pets
Nurse ClinicAppointments with a highly qualified nurse which can cover anything from nutrition and fitness advice, grooming techniques, to pet socialisation classes.
Nutritional AdviceAdvice and support for your pet's diet.
Operating TheatreAn operating theatre with gaseous anaesthetic facility for surgical procedures.
Pet Passport / Animal Health CertificateTrained Official Veterinarian vets to issue Pet Passports, Fit to Fly letters and rabies serology tests.
Separate Cat & Dog Waiting AreasSeparate cat and dog waiting areas, designed to ensure your pet is kept in a comfortably stress free environment.
Separated Dog & Cat Wards and Isolation UnitsSeparate cat and dog hospital wards, designed to ensure your pet is kept in a comfortably stress free environment.
UltrasoundGenerates 2-D moving images of your pet’s internal organs at work.
Weight ClinicMonitoring clinic to help dogs and cats achieve optimal weights – both if they have been under or overweight
X-Ray & UltrasoundX-Ray & Ultrasound
Health Plans
Health Plan
Complete Care Plus

Out of hours
Beckett Retail Park
St. James' Mill Road
Tel: Telephone: 01604 753 300
Emergency Consultation Fee from £120 - £250. Any necessary treatment or medication administered by the emergency service will be charged in addition to the emergency consultation fee.