Pet Advice
Find the latest pet health advice to help keep your pet happy and healthy!
Find the latest pet advice
Orthopaedics and Fracture Repair
Veterinary orthopaedics may be needed to help with any abnormality your pet develops or to repair fractures from injuries. Find out more about our services.
Helping Your Pet Cope In Groups Of People
We’d encourage pet owners to make sure their pet is in a safe, warm place, away from any potential stress inducing activity.
Why isn't my flea treatment working?
It can be frustrating, disappointing and expensive if you've bought flea products, only to find later that your pet still has fleas. Find out more.
Chocolate Poisoning In Pets
Chocolate can be very dangerous to your pet if they eat too much. Click here to find out how to protect your pet from chocolate poisoning at Vets4Pets now.
Body Condition Scoring
Body condition scoring is a system developed by vets to help you assess if your dog, cat or rabbit is the correct weight.
Nurse clinics for pets
Veterinary nurses run clinics to help keep your pets in top condition, offering services such as checking your pet's weight and dental checks.
General anaesthesia for pets
General anaesthesia may be given to cats, dogs and other small pets who need a procedure where they need to remain still. Find out more about our services.
Christmas Pet Advice
Planning on spending the festive season with your pet? Make sure you pet proof your decorations this festive season. Click here to read our tip tips.
How preventative health care can save you money
The simplest way pet owners can give their pets a chance of a long, illness-free life is by keeping them as healthy as possible, and it will save money as well!
Pet Nutrition & Obesity
Discover our useful advice articles for keeping your pet in tip top shape. Click here to read our expert advice from the vets and nurses at Vets4Pets.
Spring Cleaning Dangers For Pets
Spring is now upon us and families across the UK are ready to give their house a good clear out. Read here for cleaning advice and how to handle your pets.
How to Treat Skin Allergies
Itchy skin can be very irritating for your pets. Learn how to spot symptoms and treatments for your pet's skin allergies by following our tips from experts.
Pet Poisons
Many things around the house can cause harm and poison our pets, so it's best to make sure to keep your pets safe by being informed. Click for more details.
Autumn Pet Advice
Click through to check out our advice on dodging the pet pitfalls of autumn and making sure your beloved pets are happy and healthy during the colder months.
Winter Pet Health Advice
Click through to check out our 'Winter Watch Outs' handy tips to help you make sure your pet is happy and healthy during the chilly winter months.
Behind the scenes: Dental treatment
What happens behind the consulting room at your vets can seem like a mystery. This guide outlines an average day at the vets for our dental patients.